"A castle on the lake" recovered almost entirely in the past 20 years sober, sheltered though dominant over much of the Iseo lake and its three islands. Its apartments are available to those who appreciate the taste of the past with atmosphere of ancient walls. All this is part of the promotion of the territory of Iseo Lake.Arriving here, he lives mostly of these suggestions, a lot of nature and ancient small towns, water sports activities and mountain.
The luckiest are those who love walking in the mountains, in solitary paths, as they will find many crossing the geological and botanical variety, with the surprise of views of the Alps and lowland.
The Castle welcomes you in its modern apartments: Siena, Cielo, Pisa, Terra, Sole and Adele.
Geographical information:
The castle is located in the Alps Orobie, in the middle of the Alps. It is located on a hill, 290 meters above sea level (100 mt., on the lake) and is a medieval castle with associated appurtenances.
The environment is characterized by many valleys leading to mountains of 3500 meters and more. At the bottom of one of these valleys, the Camonica valley, there is Lake Iseo, a lake not yet suffocated by tourism on the banks of which there are many picturesque small towns.
The castle overlooks the center of this lake in the village of Zorzino (300 inhabitants), is from the village of Lake Riva di Solto (population 1,500) 1 Km.
The largest town in ascending order is Lovere (population 7,000) on Lake Iseo in the Valle Camonica Km.7. Nearby cities: Bergamo km.35, Km.85 Milan, Brescia Km 50, Verona 95 km.
The post office and the bank, and are 1 km away, the tourist office is in Lovere, a restaurant at 100 meters, you can park in a large municipal parking free, near 100 mt or directly on the street; Nearby there is a nice equipped path that leads comfortably on a rocky bastion overlooking the lake with beautiful views.
The geological environment, fauna and flora of this area is very rich and varied. There are also many winter sports equipment, resorts and spas.
The climate
The area has a Mediterranean climate, the influence of the lake and its southern exposure. The olive tree grows abundantly on these shores, holm oaks and other Mediterranean species.
Zorzino Castle - Iseo Lake
di Francesco Macario
The villages of Zorzino and Gargarino were districts of the town of "Solto, Riva and Uniti" until 1742, in that year separated by forming an independent municipality.
In period Venetian Zorzino was in Val Cavallina and late eighteenth century there were 100 inhabitants. Today is part of the municipality of Riva di Solto.
Zorzino Castle is located in an area deviated east of the historic core of the village of Zorzino. It is a group of buildings of obvious antiquity built on the edge of a larger area that extends to the Bogn Riva.
In fact, the existing buildings occupy only part of the area locally referred to as Zorzino Castle.
The name therefore includes a core built old west, while to the east are the areas planted with olive trees and two modern buildings, recently built on the existing olive groves.